Writing an argumentative essay
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ameican wilderness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ameican wilderness - Essay Example In the given paper will discuss the records of the two governors of early American colonies. William Bradford (1590-1657) is known as an American colonial ruler and a Pilgrim head. He became famous due to great number of facts. The most important achievements of Bradford are the foundation of Plymouth Colony and the establishing peaceful relations with Native Americans (Perkins, 2006). The record of William Bradford tells us about the Pilgrims’ arrival in 1620: â€Å"being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees & blessed ye God of heaven, who had brought them over ye vast & furious ocean, and delivered them from all ye perils & miseries thereof, again to set their feet on ye firmer and stable earth, their proper element†(Bradford (Edited by Samuel Eliot Morison, 1967) Their primary goal was to find a place where they would become independent in their religious belief. Pilgrims considered Virginia to be a right place for them. However, they arrived in the place where there was no government, so they had to form it. M ayflower Compact, a document created by Pilgrims, became a record of the new laws and William Bradford was appointed as a leader. From the Bradford’s record we find out that the new conditions differed much from the life the Pilgrims got used to. It was very difficult for people to survive the first winter, which was extremely cold. Bradford understood that the help of Native Americans was essential, so he established the agreement with the Wamponoag tribe head. This tribe was one of the friendly tribes, which helped new Americans adopt to the new life. Bradford was the organizer of the first Thanksgiving Day held in order to thank Native Americans for their help. Bradford wrote in his records, that â€Å"†¦and no marvel if they were thus joyful, seeing wise Seneca was so affected with sailing a few miles on ye coast of his own Italy; as he affirmed, that he had rather
Friday, November 1, 2019
Employee Assistance Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Employee Assistance Programs - Essay Example Employee Assistance Programs can be categorized into five types which can be referred to as full service, peer-assisted, integrated, compliance, and wrap-around versions. A Full-Service EAP, as the term implies, provides a wide array of programs that are internally staffed, well-financed and entails a management support system. It likely provides on-site counseling services and takes a proactive role in managing critical employment issues such as debriefing the staff following unforeseen incidents and preparing the staff both economically and psychologically prior to changes in their job status which could include coping with a planned layoffs due to corporate downsizing. Full-service EAP’s constantly review the employee’s needs at a particular company and develop services to meet the demands. As a result, many programs include disability, financial, legal and sexually transmitted disease counseling in addition to child and elderly parent care assistance for employees. The program is managed by an outside firm such as Value Behavioral Health or Ceridian which performs these services and offers many types of employee assistance packages. Though the full-service programs are a costly up-front expense for the employer, currently in the $50 per-employee per-year range, the long-term savings resulting from a full-service EAP makes it a sound investment for the future. Peer-assisted Peer-assisted EAP’s often are implemented for employees that do not have access to a formal EAP service.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
PIETER HUGO EXHIBITION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PIETER HUGO EXHIBITION - Essay Example His photo exhibition at the Henri Cartier Bresson Exposition was brilliant and breathe taking. The primary reason I liked these photos is because they always have stories behind them. The exhibition showcased Hugo’s latest series Kan. Hugo stated that this series illustrates the failure of colonialism in his South African homeland. As such, the pictures represent issues of racial diversity, economic disparity and colonization in South Africa. Although these topics and subjects are often complex to decipher, Hugo tackles them from an artistic point of view. 2The clichà © â€Å"a picture speaks a thousand words†best describes Hugo works at the Henri Cartier Bresson Exposition. The photographs cover subjects and topics which in most instances are personally significant to the artist such as contested farmlands, important political sites and cramped townships. Also, some of the photographs at the exhibition capture people in their homes, the homeless and drifters. Further, Hugo captures intimate moments showing his pregnant wife, their domestic servant and his child after being born. Thus, the photographs alternate between the public and private space s to present a clear narrative. Mostly, Hugo’s photographs at the Henri Cartier Bresson Exposition focus on the growing economic disparity between people who are often rich and the poor. Thus, Hugo focuses mostly on the dark side of his homeland and subsequently offers a personal exploration and depiction of the complex issues affecting his country South Africa. South Africa as a country is plagued with a widening gap between the rich and the poor. Additionally, the nation is struggling to come to terms with its apartheid past. To reiterate and illustrate these topics (economic disparity, colonization, modernity and apartheid) clearly and extensively, Hugo includes them in each and every photograph. For instance, there is a photograph depicting a homosexual couple which has been
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Description of the Sumerian Society Essay Example for Free
A Description of the Sumerian Society Essay ?Sumerian society migrated into the Middle East and settled in the Mesopotamian area around 4000 B. C. E. , resulting in the settlement of that civilization. Sumerians contributed the city-states concept, created an essential writing system, strengthened their connection to their religion, and also recorded the world’s oldest story. The addition to Sumer’s city-states idea had a booming affect in their political structure. They were more organized than most political systems in other civilizations. With this, the Sumerian society was able to regulate religion and enforce laws in a better manner. Their concept later became a tradition of regional rule, basically creating an early bureaucracy for other societies to adopt and learn from. After several centuries of Sumer’s settlement, writing, the most significant invention in millennia’s, was introduced into Sumerian society. See more: Perseverance essay Although it was very sudden, the addition to such a revolutionary idea made their culture even more prosperous. Things led to another, and soon enough, the Sumerian society had an entire alphabet that was referred to as cuneiform, in the palm of their hands. They began to record their history and culture, later resulting in the world’s oldest story, the Epic of Gilgamesh and much more from their culture. Sumer’s introduction to cuneiform bloomed into an economical boost throughout their entire society. Their invention helped to promote trade and manufacturing. They were able to communicate much more flawlessly, leading to trades as far as India. Not only did it support the trading system, but it did wonders in recording much of Sumerian history. Sumer’s settlement meant many prosperous things. Their ideas and inventions of cuneiform, city-states, ziggurats, job specialization, etc. , led to great achievements that other civilizations adopted and duplicated.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Boston Essay -- essays research papers
     It was a bright, sunny day at Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox, in Boston. Entering the park for this could-be historic game, the smell of freshly cut grass mingles in the air with the scent of â€Å"Fenway franks†, the parks signature foot-long hot dogs. The game pits the Boston ace, Pedro Martinez, against the one-time red Sox star, now New York Yankee star, Roger Clemens. The Red Sox fans boo as Roger begins to toss his warm-up pitches off to the side. He is getting older, but his fastball still has enough zip behind it to make a SNAP as it hits the catcher’s glove. Meanwhile, the Boston infield is taking ground balls, and the outfielders is shagging flies on the outfield grass, and left fielder Darren Lewis is practicing fielding fly-balls off of the Green Monster, the tall left field wall, with the manually operated scoreboard in it.      Pedro emerges from the dugout to thunderous applause from the Red Sox fans, a smattering of boos from the Yankee faithful that have made the trip from the big apple, and the familiar guitar from AC/DC’s â€Å"Thunderstruck†blaring from the PA system. Just before Pedro's last warm-up, the catcher yells â€Å"throwin’ it down!†to signify that this is the last warm-up pitch. Pedro winds up, and hurls the ball, right into the catchers waiting glove. The catcher then fires the ball to the 3rd baseman, who in turn twirls and tosses it to the 2nd baseman. He tosses it the 1st baseman, Brian Daubauch...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall Essay
In the beginning of the play Macbeth, the witches confronted Macbeth and Banquo and prophesied that Macbeth would be â€Å"Thane of Glamis†, â€Å"Thane of Cawdor†and †King hereafter†. As from then, we acknowledge that Macbeth is a weak character. Macbeth could have dismissed the prophecies as fantastical like Banquo did. But instead Macbeth chooses to believe in those miss-interpreted predictions, which ultimately lead to his own downfall. From the start when the witches said that Macbeth would be king hereafter Macbeth seems to be taken in by the predictions then suddenly commands the witches to be told more. Also MacBeth’s downfall is caused mainly by himself, he was the one that plotted those murders, he himself killed King Duncan, his fellow general Banquo and the family of Macduff. Another factor of his own downfall was his ambition; he strived to become King of Scotland that he lost all his humane emotions. During the beginning of the play, the witches play an important part in what was to be the main factor of the whole play, that main factor was MacBeth’s downfall. In the start where Macbeth and Banquo confronted the witches, the 3 witches addressed Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor, The Thane of Glamis and King hereafter. From that moment one the decision Macbeth faced would change and alter his life forever. Instead of choosing to dismiss the predictions as some gibberish Macbeth was quite taken in by it. And he even went as to command the witches to tell him more. â€Å"Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you!†(Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 69 – 77) MacBeth’s downfall was none others faults except his own. He chose to accept the prophecies knowingly it had consequences. When Macbeth chose to accept the predictions that he would be †king hereafter†he immediately looked upon Duncan and in his mind began to plot his death. He even went as far as to invite Duncan to his castle. After the murder of Duncan, Macbeth began to fill with darkness, he neither then without guidance nor with the approval of his wife, Lady Macbeth he ordered Banquo killed by hiring 2 murderers. From there MacBeth’s downfall was quite of evil intent. He murdered Macduff’s wife and child. †I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or to hell.†( Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 62-64) †It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight†. (Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 140-141) †I hope in no place so unsanctified where such as thou mayest find him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦He has killed me, mother! Run away, I pray you.†(Act 4 Scene 2 Lines 81-88) MacBeth’s ambition was to be King of Scotland, after the witches greeted him as â€Å"King hereafter†MacBeth has strived to be king. His ambition was far too great and his strive to be king took over him replacing him with an evil shell, murdering anyone who stands between him and the throne. MacBeth’s ambition was the creation of his downfall; his ambition to be king overtook his humane qualities, and drove him to the point of madness. †Thy very stones prate of my whereabouts and take the present horror from the time. Which now suits with it. – Whiles I threat, he lives: Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives. (Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 59-61) MacBeth is a character of weak moral. MacBeth’s downfall is entirely his fault, as he chooses not to dismiss the prophecies but instead become more eager to learn more of him ascending the throne of Scotland. MacBeth killed Duncan and all those other innocent people and that was a major contribution to his own downfall. Also MacBeth chose to obey the witches prophecies and fact commit and murder that would turn the moral orders of the world upside down. Thus, MacBeth’s downfall was entirely without blame his fault. The witches and Lady MacBeth were just characters but the evil intent was inside MacBeth all the time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Criminal Law Study Guide Essay
Murder carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment, which is 15 years. Sound memoryâ€â€the person responsible must not be insane. Age of discretion  a child less than 10 years old is not criminally responsible for his/her actions. Since S. 34 of the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 the presumption of doli incapax has been abolished and consequently any child over 10 years has potentially full legal capacity. Unlawfully kills  the act must be an unlawful killing. The law recognises that in certain circumstances the killing may be either justified or authorised eg. xecution or self defence. Living human being  a foetus is not deemed in law to be a living human being. However, a murder conviction may be possible if a foetus is injured and, after birth, dies as a result of injuries sustained whilst in the womb. Attorney-General’s Reference (No 3, 1994) 1996. A defendant cannot be convicted of the murder of someone who is already dead at the time of the attack. R v Maicherek and Steel 1981 The accused had seriously wounded the victim who was then artificially maintained on a respirator. When it was discovered that irreversible brain damage had occurred the respirator was turned off M was found guilty of murder and his appeal was dismissed when he claimed the doctor had caused death. It was his act which caused death. The court appeared to favour the approach that death occurs when the victim is brain-dead. Queen’s Peace  killing an enemy during wartime is not murder. Malice aforethought  since the case of R v Moloney the mens rea of murder is the intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm. ACTUS REUS The actus reus of murder is that the killing is unlawful, causation must be stablished (A caused B’s death) and the victim must be a human being. (see causation notes from AS). MENS REA DIAGRAM MENS REA The mens rea of murder is malice aforethought which is the intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm (GBH). There are two forms of intent: †¢ Direct intent  this is what D desires, eg. pointing a gun at someone and sh ooting them because you want to kill them. It was their aim or purpose to kill. †¢ Indirect or oblique intent  this is not necessarily what D desires but what he foresees will almost certainly happen, eg. D sets fire to a building and killed someone, did he foresee the risk that death might occur? Four important cases must be looked at. R v Moloney 1985 A soldier shot and killed his stepfather in response to a drunken challenge. He claimed that he had not aimed the gun at the victim and had, at the time, no idea that firing it would cause injury. The judge directed the jury that intention included both desire and foresight of probable consequences and the defendant was convicted of murder. Held (HL) Appeal allowed, manslaughter substituted. Lord Bridge did state that it was possible to intend a result which you do not actually want. He gave the example of a man who is trying to escape, who boards a plane to Manchester. Even though he may have no desire to go to Manchester  he may even hate the place  it is clearly where he intends to go. However, the appeal was allowed because foresight of consequences can only be evidence of intention  it is up to the jury to decide. R v Hancock and Shankland 1986 Two striking miners pushed concrete from a bridge onto a road, killing a taxi driver. They claimed only to intend to block the road or frighten the taxi passenger and not to kill or cause GBH. They were convicted of murder but successfully appealed, a manslaughter conviction was substituted by the Court of Appeal and confirmed by the House of Lords. The House of Lords looked at risk and probability. A slight risk of death is not enough to infer intention: Lord Scarman stated the greater the probability that death or GBH would occur; the more likely that intention can be inferred, eg. if A cut B’s little finger is would not be very probable that death would occur, therefore A is unlikely to have intention. However, if A stabbed B in the chest, it is much more likely that death would result, therefore it is more likely that A had intention. In both cases the defendants were convicted by the juries and appealed, first to the Court of Appeal and then to the House of Lords. In each case the House of Lords quashed the convictions for murder and substituted a verdict of manslaughter. The reason being the trial judges had misdirected the jury. The following case established the Virtual Certainty test which should always be used in indirect intention situations.. R v Nedrick 1986 The defendant set fire to a house, killing a child. He claimed that his intention was to frighten the child’s mother and not to kill or cause GBH. Convicted of murder. Held (CA) Appeal allowed, manslaughter substituted. Where direct intention is not present then the following test should be put to the jury. A jury should return a verdict of murder only where they find that the defendant foresaw death or serious injury as a virtual certain consequence of his or her voluntary actions. R v Woolin 1998 (HL) D shook his 3-month-old son when he choked on his food and then threw him across the room, the child died, D had lied to the ambulance men and the police before admitting what happened. He claimed that he did not want his son to die. He was originally convicted of murder but the House of Lords reduced his conviction to manslaughter. The trial judge had misdirected the jury on the test to infer intention. The case has now confirmed the Nedrick test. It must now always be used when dealing with indirect intent situations. R v Matthew and Alleyne 2003 (CA) The defendants appealed against their conviction for murder following the death of a young man (a non-swimmer) whom they had thrown from a bridge into a river. The Court of Appeal affirmed the conviction, which it did not consider unsafe in the light of the evidence, but expressed concern that the Nedrick/Woollin evidential rule should not be treated as if it were a rule of law. A defendant’s foresight of virtually certain death does not automatically require the jury to find that he intended that result: it is merely evidence from which the jury may draw that conclusion.
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